2018 - Art + Philosophy
Concept and curator team of the international Art/Philosophy Project Hypercultural Passengers, funded by the city of Hamburg, started in 2016. With Michael Kress and the Artist run Space FRISE.
2016 - Art + Philosophy
Performance Philosophy Symposium, January 29/30, Ampere, Munich Germany (KÖRPER_DENKEN!)
The symposium examines the relation of thinking and the body in Performance Philosophy – specifically in terms of Nonhuman Thinking and Body Politics – by presenting performances, video installations, workshops, lecture performances and an experimental panel discussion, asking questions such as: What happens at the “fringes of our consciousness” (William James)? What is “becoming animal” (Deleuze/Guattari) like? When does a gesture become subversive? Is thinking always parasitic?
2015 - Art + Philosophy
Tal at the "Salon of the German Association of Artists" (Deutscher Künstlerbund), FRISE, Art House, Hamburg.
2014 - Art + Philosophy
Conversational Art: Singing along the Meaning of "I mean it." Museum of Hamburg History.
2014 - Art + Philosophy
Talk and Radio Feature, Art Project: Hotel Hamburg, Jan Holtmann.
2010 - Art + Philosophy
with Kurd Alsleben/Antje Eske, ZKM – Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany (http://on1.zkm.de/zkm/e/about):
Filmclip: „Unconstrained Talking is a form of Art.“ (http://www02.zkm.de/videocast/index.php/aus-dem-archiv/archiv.html)
2010 - Art + Philosophy
Institute for Philosophy, SFB „Cultures of Performativity“ Conference on Performance and Philosophy, Free University Berlin, (http://psi-ppwg.wikidot.com/berlin-2010)
2009 - Art + Philosophy
Art Happening, with Julia Bonn, Hamburg.
2007 - Art + Philosophy
(with Karen Scholz), Participatory Art Project, Part of the Exhibition: Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske. Mutualité. From Computer Drawings to Net Art Affairs 1961-2006, Catalogue, Art Museum Bremen. (http://swiki.hfbk-hamburg.de:8888/Netzkunstaffairen)
2006 - Art + Philosophy
Participatory Art Project, Part of the Exhibition: Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske. Mutualité. From Computer Drawings to Net Art Affairs 1961-2006, Catalogue, Art Museum Bremen. (http://swiki.hfbk-hamburg.de:8888/Netzkunstaffairen).