Hyper Cultural Passengers

Concept and curator team of the international Art/Philosophy Project Hypercultural Passengers, funded by the city of Hamburg, started in 2016. With Michael Kress and the Artist run Space FRISE.

THINKING_BODIES! Philosophy Performance Symposium

Performance Philosophy Symposium, January 29/30, Ampere, Munich Germany (KÖRPER_DENKEN!)

The symposium examines the relation of thinking and the body in Performance Philosophy – specifically in terms of Nonhuman Thinking and Body Politics – by presenting performances, video installations, workshops, lecture performances and an experimental panel discussion, asking questions such as: What happens at the “fringes of our consciousness” (William James)? What is “becoming animal” (Deleuze/Guattari) like? When does a gesture become subversive? Is thinking always parasitic?

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Political and Aesthetic Borders of Space

Tal at the "Salon of the German Association of Artists" (Deutscher Künstlerbund), FRISE, Art House, Hamburg.

Singing along the Meaning of "I mean it"

Conversational Art: Singing along the Meaning of "I mean it." Museum of Hamburg History.

Tourism in "Hotel Identity"

Talk and Radio Feature, Art Project: Hotel Hamburg, Jan Holtmann.

Conversational Art

with Kurd Alsleben/Antje Eske, ZKM – Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany  (http://on1.zkm.de/zkm/e/about):

Filmclip: „Unconstrained Talking is a form of Art.“ (http://www02.zkm.de/videocast/index.php/aus-dem-archiv/archiv.html)

Pragmatist philosophy shows: extraordinary implications of the ordinary

Institute for Philosophy, SFB „Cultures of Performativity“ Conference on Performance and Philosophy, Free University Berlin,  (http://psi-ppwg.wikidot.com/berlin-2010)

Walking your Nose

Art Happening, with Julia Bonn, Hamburg.

The Other. Present/Absent

(with Karen Scholz), Participatory Art Project, Part of the Exhibition: Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske. Mutualité. From Computer Drawings to Net Art Affairs 1961-2006, Catalogue, Art Museum Bremen. (http://swiki.hfbk-hamburg.de:8888/Netzkunstaffairen)

How Does the Sensus Communis taste?

Participatory Art Project, Part of the Exhibition: Kurd Alsleben und Antje Eske. Mutualité. From Computer Drawings to Net Art Affairs 1961-2006, Catalogue, Art Museum Bremen. (http://swiki.hfbk-hamburg.de:8888/Netzkunstaffairen).