2015 - Talks
at: Salon of the German Association of Artists (Deutscher Künstlerbund), FRISE, Art House, Hamburg.
2014 - Talks
Talk and Radio Feature, Art Project: Hotel Hamburg, Jan Holtmann.
2014 - Talks
Inaugural Talk at the Colloquium of the International Society of Philosophical Practice , Visselhövede.
2014 - Talks
Art Association Gießen, "Landesgartenschau."
2014 - Talks
The Pleasure of Doubt, International Conference, ICI Berlin.
2014 - Talks
With Thomas Vazek, Chief Editor of the Philosophy Magazine "Hohe Luft," Hamburg.
2013 - Talks
November 2012, in: Mash-Up-Arts? On Intellectual Property in the Age of Technological Producibility. Symposium of the Association of German Artists (DKB) and of the Berlinische Galerie, Berlin. www.kuenstlerbund.de
2013 - Talks
August 2013, Philosophical Society Bremerhaven, www.phg-bhv.de
2012 - Talks
October 2012, Dortmunder U, Symposion Association of German Artists (Deutscher Künstlerbund ), „Ideas and Utopia.“
2012 - Talks
(In English). First European Pragmatism Conference, Rome. http://www.nordprag.org/epc1.html
2012 - Talks
Magic Talk Show Manuel Muerte, February 2012, Kampnagel, Hamburg.
2010 - Talks
in: Workshop Alterity and Recognition, in: Exzellenzcluster 243, The Constitution of Normative Orders, Goethe-University Frankfurt a.M.
2010 - Talks
(In English/Spanish) Symposium: Confines of Democracy. The Social Philosophy of Richard Bernstein, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, May 18 - 22. (with Richard Bernstein, Robert Westbrook, et.al.)
2010 - Talks
Co-Organisation of the Workshops‚ with Andreas Hetzel and Dirk Quadflieg, Exzellenzcluster 243, The Constitution of Normative Orders, Goethe University Frankfurt/M.
2010 - Talks
(In English) Institute for Philosophy, SFB „Cultures of Performativity:” Conference on Performance and Philosophy, Free University Berlin. (http://psi-ppwg.wikidot.com/berlin-2010)
2010 - Talks
Performative Talk, Design Factory International Gmbh, Hamburg.
2009 - Talks
The Artist Feeling. On Networks of Artists. Symposium of the International Society of Arts (IGBK Berlin, http://igbk.de/en/) and the Art House FRISE (www.frise.de).
2009 - Talks
YO AQABA. With Laurence and Lennon and the four Musketeers through the desert into the cinema, Landdrostei Hamburg.
2008 - Talks
Philosophical Kolloquium, University of Hildesheim.
2007 - Talks
at: International Conference of the German Society for Phenomenological Investigation, University of Darmstadt October.
2007 - Talks
Symposium, philosophical Institute, university of Hildesheim.
2006 - Talks
Philosophical Colloquium, The Structure of Reflection – Self-Consciousness and Critique, Evian, France.
2006 - Talks
Conference talk at: Pragmatism – Philosophy of the Future? International Conference, June 2006, University of Darmstadt.
2005 - Talks
(in English), The Landscapes of Cultural Studies, Conference, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurth, Austria.
2004 - Talks
(in English), in: Youth, Culture, Creativity. Symposium at the Music Conservatory Köln, July.
2004 - Talks
Philosophical Multimedia Performance, at: Facing Death. Philosophical Performance with Experiment Philosophy, Kampnagel Theatre, Hamburg.
2003 - Talks
at: Philosophical Performance with Experiment Philosophy, Kampnagel Theatre, Hamburg.
2003 - Talks
Philosophical Multimedia Performance with Experiment Philosophy, Kampnagel Theatre, Hamburg.
2002 - Talks
Art School Ottersberg.