2011 - Books
(Anerkennung und Alterität), co-ed. with Andreas Hetzel and Dirk Quadflieg, Baden-Baden.
Faced with the increasingly precarious problems of integration in today’s western societies, ethics and social philosophy turn to the problem of recognition. Recognition usually is being perceived as a process, ...
2007 - Books
(Spielräume des Selbst. Pragmatismus und kreatives Handeln), Berlin.
Stemming from the assumption that the self is being formed, being “subjected” by economic, political, and cultural structures: How then is it possible to take up a critical position, to locate oneself in the world, ...
2006 - Books
An Internet-Conversation (die Kunst der Anerkennung. Eine Swiki-Konversation), with Antje Eske/Kurd Alsleben, Hamburg.