(Anerkennung und Alterität), co-ed. with Andreas Hetzel and Dirk Quadflieg, Baden-Baden.

Faced with the increasingly precarious problems of integration in today’s western societies, ethics and social philosophy turn to the problem of recognition. Recognition usually is being perceived as a process, in which person A recognizes certain attributes or capacities of person B against the background of generally binding norms and values. But by recognizing specific groups of people as recognizable through certain attributes, other groups of people, who lack those attributes, are being denied recognition. These kinds of identarian reductions run the danger of perpetuating the exclusions, they sought to overcome in the first place. Only through the recognition of the other in its otherness can those excluding consequences be avoided.

The contributions of the book explore the asymmetries, political implications and risks of the relationships of recognition. They are oriented as much towards the practical philosophy of Hegel as to deconstructive (Derrrida, Levinas, Butler, Rancière) and phenomenological approaches (Ricoeur, Waldenfels).
